Country Home Magazine is back! Well, at least quarterly I think ~ I happened upon my issue at Costco this past weekend. I have been on magazine withdrawal since so many of my favorite magazines folded in the last several years so I am happy to see they are bringing Country Home back even if it is only 4 times a year. The issue seems a bit larger than previous issues and the cover is printed on heavier stock ~ the price is higher too ~ $12.99 ~ that seems to be the trend these days! If that is what it costs to make a quality magazine and employ professional designers, photographers & writers, I don't mind spending the extra money!
Below are a few highlights from this issue ~ the design and layout is a bit cleaner than before ~ a fresher and more contemporary approach to country. The fonts used throughout the issue are elegant and feminine, yet inviting and easy to read ~ I think the whole issue has a kind of relaxing and serene quality to it. I love that all of the rooms look comfortable and lived in ~ they seem attainable to me (a person with alot of stuff!). There are many different features throughout the magazine ~ I've just shown a few of my favorites ~ I especially like the hunting & gathering section and the ideas for reusing vintage finds. Then, my absolute favorite ~ antiquers & junkers and their favorite finds!
As I was leafing through the issue I came upon the page below and noticed something familiar......are you thinking what I'm thinking? You know how sometimes you are out and about and you see something you haven't seen before ~ then, the rest of the day you end up seeing 2 or 3 more? Maybe it's because you've just never noticed it before ~ or maybe it is just a freaky coincidence ~ but this sort of thing happens to me ALL the time!
In this instance, the metal cabinet with the 30 drawers that I posted about here is buried on page 21 of this issue (see it hiding there in the background?)! I wonder if theirs was sponge painted when they got it?! I find it so weird that I haven't seen such a thing for years ~ then, in the space of a week I see two! I am happy to see a different solution for the redo ~ now, in case the brushed metal idea doesn't work out I have a Plan B ~ paint it white!
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