This weekend the weather cooperated and I was able to get some photos taken of my finds from last week's antique show. As you can see I didn't get quantity, but was pleased with what I did come home with! I also have the added bonus of not being broke ~ hurray!
The cards above are some very old flash cards ~ the dealer selling them had gotten them from a retired schoolteacher. I thought the silhouette images were so interesting ~ I've never seen flash cards like these before.
Also found a beautiful piece of antique lace ~ I love all the little details in the pattern. The button card below also beckoned ~ mostly because of the handmade graphic across the top ~ the buttons aren't much to write home about.
{antique cuffs ~ hoping to use these in some sort of art project}
I also picked up a little recipe booklet for Jell-o from 1931 ~ the graphics on the cover and throughout are just beautiful ~ it is sad that this sort of illustration and attention to detail seems to have gone by the wayside. Not sure about some of the food combinations such as Jellied Cooked Lettuce, Orange Moss, Chicken Mousse, or the Ham & Celery Loaf (shown below), but the illustrations make all of them look appetizing. According to the copy inside, Jello-O dishes have "looks" - gay, sparkling, quivery, luscious looking, they lend appetite appeal to a meal! Some day we plan to have a pot luck jello mold party ~ I guess this little cookbook will come in handy for that!
{front and back cover of book ~ love the design!}
{mmm, mm, ham & celery loaf}
{lovely two color illustration ~ this style used throughout the booklet}
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