Sprocket certainly enjoyed his 2nd birthday this past Saturday. As it was a glorious spring day, we set out for a shopping spree at 3 Dog Bakery on the Plaza ~ Sprocket made several new friends and picked out birthday treats to share with his closest friends, Grrrdy & Speck. Grrrdy is one of Sprocket's sisters ~ you can read more here; Speck is Sprocket's best buddy and adopted brother.
After shopping we headed to Sprocket's sister's house for a birthday visit ~ Grrrdy had a treat to share too!
After chowing down on the birthday cake, Grrrdy & Sprocket played party games and chased each other all over the yard.
Playing ball and chasing things makes one thirsty, so drinks were served up next.
After all of the fun & games, Sprocket had to say his goodbyes & thank yous to Grrrdy and her family as he had one more friend to celebrate with before the day ended.
{Sprocket & Speck sharing the last treats of the day ~ what a happy day!}
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