Here are a bunch of inspirational pictures of garden sheds. When I bought my home, there were 2 sheds in back and my first thought was, oh no, those big things are taking up too much room in my yard, I want to get rid of them! Since living here though, I've found that these sheds really come in handy. I have come across some sheds online that have made me think twice about giving them up, too.
My inspiration sheds.
The one above is neat with the bright touches of color, but it may be a little too bright for me, very pretty though.
I think this one is more of a garage (, but I just love how organized it is.
My sad shed below will be more appealing to the eyes one day, too.
I have already painted the counter above with chalkboard paint and I've bought some peg board to go on the wall to organize all my tools. I need to clean it all up and get a couple of more tables and cabinets. I won't show you inside the other shed because right now it's even more scary looking than this one.
Stay tuned for the AFTER.
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